Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Holidays

Hey Kids,

I've been a horrible blogger but times have been tough. As you know I lost my beloved pooch Kim fung and it sent me into a minor and sometimes major depression but I know you gotta shake the old dust off and live on or in my case drink on...

Thats what I plan to do and kids I've got a lot of stuff coming up, new show, performances for my darlings of Sugar shack Burlesque and the fabulous Incredible Edible Akynos. MargOH! will also be blogging again on a weekly basis to get the old thoughts out for the new show "What makes a legend drink more" and kids this show is going to be a tour de MargOH!, singing, dancing, joking and tragedy...well it wouldn't be MargoH! without a little tragedy...

I'll be back tomorrow to update you on my thanksgiving crazy. Berna, my wardrobe mistress was up to no good and she nearly ruined the old bird...

Til tomorrow kids!!