Monday, June 15, 2009

Coney Island Dreams

Hey Kids,

When i was a little girl my mother told me that I would one day perform at the Coney Island Freak show....of course this was meant to be a way of being mean to me. Sully always told me I was a bit hairy for a girl of my age and was on my way to being a bearded lady...

Guess what kids, I will be performing at the Coney island Freakshow and museum next week..but of course it is not as a bearded lady but as a fish goddess....It's very exciting and when I told Sully, my now aunt and ex mother she said she told me so and added in to make sure I got a waxing as not to be too hairy...what a hag.

Kids if you are in NY and want to see MargOH! strut her fish...please come to Coney Island...

XO, MargOH!


  1. MargOH! in Coney - it's just TOO good. Wish i was there, have fun! xx

  2. Oh yes Phoebe, I'm thrilled to strut my fishes at the Coney island...very exciting...

    XO, M
