Friday, May 04, 2007

David Hasseldrunk

Hey Kids,

Like we didn't know David was a bit of a boozer....

I have a little story.... When David was having his huge recording success abroad he was on tour and stopped in to my cabaret. He had huge demands that included 3 cases of Tequila, a crate of limes and a pound of salt. He had a huge entourage that took over my girls had to share their rooms with his cronies. I wasn't about to shell out hotel rooms for 20 people, not for him...he stinks. He had number one hits in Cambodia for goodness sake. He was such a drama queen, even bigger than Nana Mouskouri Now that's a diva, anyway he was getting drunk and carrying on all through his run...I was making enough Pad Thai to feed the nation and Berna. Oh, yes let me not forget the image of Berna licking salt off of David's nipples and downing the tequila. I'm sure she put that salt somewhere else but I won't go there.

I ended up cutting his run short because honestly he was only get a 30% turnout and the place only seated 25 and 5 at the bar so you do the math. No wonder he was drinking...people who were buying his records couldn't understand what he was saying...

Poor David....The tape is a bit much and I don't like to see people too embarrassed..I'd rather see them bare assed I think...

He was and is a big drunk mess, at least cut it down to a drink a day ....

Kisses, MargOH!

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