Hey Kids,
This is a very exciting time for old MargOH!
Not only was my show a personal triumph and I must thank everyone involved.
My darling Jeff Catlow for his brilliant direction and outstanding vocal Performance to "Strangers in the Night". It was gorgeous!!
To The lovely Ann Carr and her brilliant character Hickory Thicket. You are the best!!! Funnier than any gal I know..
Thank you to my darling Jarad Astin for his Haunting piano playing and his comic relief that was well needed... He is the best piano player in the world according to MargOH!
Sam Rowan who stepped in as my wardrobe mistress due to Berna's inability to make me happy!!! Sam did a bang up job for little old MargOH! and she really knows how to handle the pressure of Handling MargOH!... Love ya Kiddo
Rob Rowan for his advice and just being an all around swell guy!!
Jessie Kempf for her initial piano guidance, she is the second best piano player in the world to MargOH! and use of her lovely apartment for rehearsals..Bravo my love
Ken Kleiber for filming my little show for his Big TV show "Thats Kentertainment"
Love ya baby!!!
Nathan exposed for his fabulous podcast that got some of my Gays to come and check me out!! Thanks doll!!!
To Mike Dantico for being my bestest friend, kisses Doll
To all the fans that came to support me and you know who you are, I love you all!!!
Now Kids Miss Channing is also a published poet in "The Literary Pride Supplement" from "The Windy City Times"... I linked it
I entered my poem for their consideration and was chosen to be published. I am very excited about this. It is titled "MargOH! and Nellie" and is about my friendship with
singer, songwriter and Broadway star Nellie McKay.
Nellie was one of the first guests I had on my Talk show and she even came back for my christmas special. She is a darling marvelous woman and I just adore her.She is an advocate for gay marraige and animal rights, things that are very close to MargOH! as well. She is just the best
I wrote it as a statement about how different people from different walks of life can come together to make art and be peaceful human beings. Acceptance for life, love and the freedom to express ourselves any way we choose....
Now I need a drink, it's all so grand... Cheers Kids
kisses, MargOH!